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Friday, October 22, 2004

Question No. 10: Dan Carpenter Response

First, the 700 million dollar deficit we now face is much better than the 3.2 billion dollar deficit we faced previously. That doesn’t mean that we’re quite there yet, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. The one thing I will not do is raise taxes on the already overburdened middle class public.

To deal with the deficit we have to begin un-doing the acts of the Democrats and Republicans that got us to this point. I don’t mean we need to merely reduce the increase in taxes, but we must begin to eliminate the programs that were created to appease special interest groups that have been paying for the campaigns of our legislators. There has been much discussion during this campaign about reducing government red tape to improve development of jobs in this state. What we need to do is concentrate on the programs that are not essential to its operation. Governor Doyle has ordered 10% cuts across the board to help reduce the deficit, but let’s go further and eliminate unnecessary agencies that are not essential.

Specifically, we need to audit all departments such as was recently done with the UW System. While there may be some disagreement about who is an administrator and who is not, it is clear that we need to re-align our priorities. The recent audit of the state-owned automobiles revealed a tremendous amount of waste and abuse of the system.

We need to continue this pattern and ferret out all waste and abuse of the system that has been created by Republicans and Democrats who, year after year, have continued to vote for a budget that is way out of line with what taxpayers can afford.

Throughout this campaign Tony Palmeri has hammered home the idea that we have to stop freeloading corporations operating in this State. He is absolutely right. When we spend our money at a local bank or chain department store there is no reason that the money we spend should be transferred to out-of-state corporate offices and little or no taxes are being collected by the State of Wisconsin. Let’s close these loopholes and increase revenue from those who can most easily afford it. This hasn’t been done in the past because lawmakers are afraid of offending the goose that lays the golden egg for them. That is why I have refused to accept or even seek any funds for my campaign from public, private or corporate PACs.

I mentioned previously that the budget deficit has been reduced drastically. That has been done to a great extent by the veto pen of Governor Doyle. He needs to continue to use that pen and we need to stop the nuisance challenges from people like John Gard and his partisan legion. I would support efforts to reduce the budget deficit through veto and refuse to be intimidated by either party into supporting legislation that is unnecessary and destructive to our State budget. The only way to do that is by electing independent- thinking candidates like myself to go to Madison and fight for the people of the 54th District and the State of Wisconsin.


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