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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Question No. 8: Gregg Underheim Response

There are some very important social issues that probably can’t be solved by legislatures. They involve the coarsening of the culture, and the polarity of the polity. Perhaps politicians could help by not demonizing those with whom they disagree on issues. All too often the political debate is not about issues. Rather it is about how evil people are who hold specific views. If someone does not support more money for education that person is not challenged on the basis of that view, rather he is accused of being against children. Similarly, someone who supports gay marriage is not challenged on the basis of his stand, instead he is accused of being a homophobe. The debate in politics has degenerated to a very clever attack on character rather than a true debate on issues. It should not be too much to expect candidates who seek to be stewards of Wisconsin to set a proper example.

That said, let me address the issues mentioned in Question 8.

I oppose abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at stake.

I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment. Some argue that the second amendment was intended to provide for a militia. I believe it was written to protect the individual’s right to bear arms. No less an authority than Lawrence Tribe, famous liberal lawyer, agrees. Mr. Tribe then goes on to argue that we therefore repeal the 2nd amendment. I disagree with him on that point.

Additionally, I support carrying concealed weapons as long as certain protections are included in the law. I believe there certain places in which one should not be able to carry a weapon. Those places include bars and restaurants, churches, schools, university buildings, and clinics. I believe that there are some establishments that should be given the option of allowing concealed carry. Some of those establishments include abuse shelters, hospitals, and businesses.

I also believe that some people should be excluded from carrying those weapons. Those people include felons, those with mental or emotional problems, as diagnosed by a professional, minors, and those convicted of crimes other than felonies but who present a danger of violence.

Furthermore, anyone who seeks to carry a concealed weapon must pass a written test and a proficiency test with a weapon. Under those conditions I believe that carrying a concealed weapon is acceptable.

On the issue of gay marriage I oppose AJR 66, which is the constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage. I take that stand because I believe that the constitution is not the place to establish social policy. The constitution establishes the framework of government and it protects citizens against undue intrusion by the government into their lives.

Additionally, if we start to single out specific disfavored groups in the constitution where will it stop? Almost everyone is part of a group that is disfavored by others.

I support stem cell research.

On the issue of affirmative action I believe that favored status should not be conferred on an individual because he or she is a part of any specific group or minority. I also believe it is wrong and illegal to discriminate against an individual because he or she is a member of a specific group or minority. The criterion that is most important judging an individual is the merit of that specific individual.


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