No. 10: The $700 Million Question
In other words, the state has an ongoing gap of that amount between what it spends and what it raises. (Some estimates are even higher, but for the purposes of this debate, we’ll stick with $700 million.)
In the past the state has dealt with the structural deficit in part through one-time funding mechanisms that have provided substantial amounts of money. Aside from such mechanisms, the only ongoing solution will be either to cut spending or raise revenue.
It’s easy to say in general terms how to address the problem. Some would say increase taxes, and others would say make government more efficient. Voters in the 54th District deserve to know your specific approach. As they say, the devil is in the details.
It may be too much to ask any single legislator to solve the budget problem, but citizens should know what your plan is and how close it will come to solving the problem.
Please explain how you think the structural deficit should be fixed.
Would you cut any programs to solve the structural budget deficit? Which ones and by how much?
Would you raise any taxes or fees to solve the structural budget deficit? Which ones and by how much?
Please tell us about any other ideas you have for addressing this issue. Please explain how much of an impact on the structural deficit these ideas would have.
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