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Saturday, October 09, 2004

Question No. 7: Good Government

In August, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (registration required) editorialized about the state’s tradition of "good government" in these words:

"In the past, Wisconsin's citizens have taken justifiable pride in the state's reputation for clean government. Scandals have sullied that reputation in recent years. One way to regain that reputation - and to deserve it - is to enact the Ellis-Erpenbach bill, quickly."

But that bill, known more formally as Senate Bill 12, did not get out of committee. What are your positions on campaign finance reform, and would you support the legislation (PDF) proposed by Sen. Michael Ellis (R-Neenah) and Rep. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton)?

What other steps, if any, do you think the state should take to reform the way that executive and legislative decisions are made?


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