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Friday, October 01, 2004

Question No. 5: Winnebago Water Quality

Wisconsin and out-of-state residents actively enjoy our lakes and rivers. Oshkosh is located on the Lake Winnebago Pool Lakes, which represent 17 percent of the state's surface waters. Scientists who study the issue say the water quality of these lakes is threatened by invasive species, point and non-point source pollution, plant and animal habitat loss, groundwater problems, and inadequate monitoring.

A report this summer by the River Alliance of Wisconsin said that the Department of Natural Resources is hampered in its work by political pressure and inadequate funding. This prompted calls by, for example, The Northwestern for restructuring of the agency.

What legislative initiatives would you undertake to address Lake Winnebago Pool Lakes water quality issues, and how would you propose that these be funded? Do you believe changes need to be made at DNR? If so, what changes would you propose?


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